Page name: The Story Of Ari Michiyo Rp Area [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2007-12-07 01:24:34
Last author: Sonya Blue
Owner: Sonya Blue
# of watchers: 10
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the story of ari michiyo

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2007-12-08 [Sonya Blue]: Ari Stood outside the village waiting on everyone to so us so the could leave

2007-12-08 [Sky Chord]: He scratched his head walking past her muttering "you people wake up to early..."

2007-12-08 [Sonya Blue]: Ari watched him walk past "No, you just wake up too late"

2007-12-08 [Sky Chord]: Stops and looks at her "...what has two legs and doesn't give a care..." He paused for a moment "!"

2007-12-08 [Sonya Blue]: she frowned "haha, very funny"

2007-12-08 [Sky Chord]: He smiled happily "Well i know" He yawned

2007-12-08 [Sonya Blue]: she shook her head "did you see the others on the way here?"

2007-12-08 [Sky Chord]: "Hmm define..'the others'" he said while scratching his hair

2007-12-08 [Sonya Blue]: she glared at him "Seriously now..."

2007-12-08 [Sky Chord]: "Alright i havn't"

2007-12-08 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded "thank you"

2007-12-08 [Sky Chord]: "any time" he muttered

2007-12-08 [Velvet Dreams]: Shiva was on a hill praticing skills wearing a blindfold

2007-12-08 [Fallen dreams]: Kane was sat on top of the village gates he dropped down casually and stood arms crossed before looking up at Ari he quietly spoke "Can we move this along i have no intention of wating all day."

2007-12-08 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki appeared and leaned against a wall

2007-12-09 [Sonya Blue]: Ari looked at Kane "You are the late one, Ive been standing here for close to an hour now...we would have gone by now if you were on time"

2007-12-09 [Sky Chord]: "I knew she was a genius..." he said sarcastically

2007-12-09 [Sonya Blue]: Ari looked over at him

2007-12-09 [Sky Chord]: He had a huge smile on his face

2007-12-09 [Sonya Blue]: She frowned "Is all of this a big joke to you?"

2007-12-09 [Sky Chord]: "No i just think its kinda funny that you would wait for almost a ho-" He took one step and tripped "....."

2007-12-09 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki watched and started to laugh

2007-12-09 [Sonya Blue]: she smirked and shook her head "Idiot..."

2007-12-09 [Sky Chord]: He laughed too "I Fell head over heals for you"

2007-12-09 [Sonya Blue]: she rolled her eyes

2007-12-09 [Chellie Bear]: "wow that was cheesy"

2007-12-09 [Sky Chord]: He chuckled "Charming ain't i?"

2007-12-09 [Sonya Blue]: Ari shook her head "Not in the least..."

2007-12-09 [Chellie Bear]: "nice...why are we going and where are we going again?"

2007-12-09 [Sky Chord]: "Because Captain Jack Crazy over here doesn't like staying in the same place for a long time.."

2007-12-10 [Sonya Blue]: She glared at him "No, we are going to go get Kage, before he hurts someone"

2007-12-10 [Fallen dreams]: Kane stared at the group before turning and walkig out the gates "Now whos wasting time sensei?"

2007-12-10 [Sonya Blue]: She glared at him "we are still waiting on one other to get here"

2007-12-10 [Fallen dreams]: He stared back showing nothing before calmly speaking "very well i have no choice apparently." He leant against the wall his eyes looking as if they were watching around them.

2007-12-10 [Sonya Blue]: She sighed "Be patient"

2007-12-10 [Fallen dreams]: Kane sat down withdrawing a scroll with Kages name on it 'Brother had some interesting techniques i wonder why he left this scroll on my desk' he began studying the theory behind the 3rd technique ' brothers old shadow flash technique i havent ever seen it preformed'

2007-12-10 [Sky Chord]: He coughed and laughed

2007-12-10 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki nodded waiting

2007-12-11 [Sonya Blue]: She looked at him "something funny?"

2007-12-11 [Sky Chord]: "other than you not really..."

2007-12-11 [Sonya Blue]: she rolled her eyes at him

2007-12-11 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki smirked at his comment

2007-12-11 [Sky Chord]: He smiled happily

2007-12-11 [Velvet Dreams]: shiva walk into a inn to get a drink

2007-12-11 [Sky Chord]: He scratched his head

2007-12-12 [Fallen dreams]: Kane looked uyp from his scroll "So who are we waiting for." he looked back down still studying while waiting for a reply

2007-12-13 [Sonya Blue]: "Shiva...But if she isnt here soon, we'll just go without her..."

2007-12-13 [Orochimaru]: Ryo suddenly appeared,"Heyo!"She yelled as she landed lightly out of a tree.

2007-12-13 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki jumped and looked at her "wow nice take of surprise scare everyone to their grave"

2007-12-13 [Orochimaru]: Ryo stuck her tongue out,"Yep! You know me!"

2007-12-13 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki giggled "thats funny"

2007-12-13 [Orochimaru]: Ryo loked around,"Whats the hold up?"

2007-12-13 [Sonya Blue]: Ari was glaring at her "Shiva is..."

2007-12-13 [Chellie Bear]: "how long we been standing here now?"

2007-12-13 [Orochimaru]: Ryo gave a false smile at ari,"And whats that look for?"

2007-12-13 [Fallen dreams]: "we have been stood here near 10 minutes and good day ryo." he was still reading and never glanced at any of them.

2007-12-13 [Chellie Bear]: "thank you"

2007-12-13 [Orochimaru]: Ryo looked at Him and smiled,"Good day to you to."

2007-12-14 [MadHatress]: Kage was pre-occupied with a small article he had in his hand, sitting at a table in a resaurant

2007-12-14 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki looked at the sky humming

2007-12-15 [Sonya Blue]: She sighed "Lets get going..."

2007-12-15 [Fallen dreams]: Kane rose and followed Ari thinking to himself 'Brother i am coming and i will save you from yourself'

2007-12-15 [Chellie Bear]: Tamnaki looked at her

2007-12-15 [Sonya Blue]: She walked off into the trees

2007-12-15 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki followed

2007-12-15 [Fallen dreams]: Kane jumped up the trees and followwed

2007-12-15 [Sonya Blue]: she continued to walk, looking a little bored

2007-12-15 [Fallen dreams]: Kane jumped down next to her "You will give me a chance to talk to him first wont you." he stared eyes forever cold

2007-12-16 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki kept with them walking with her arms crossed and she looked at the sky

2007-12-16 [Sonya Blue]: She looked at him "What kind of person would i be if i didnt?"

2007-12-16 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun was in the same resaurant as Kage, waiting for something interesting to happen.

2007-12-16 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki sighed

2007-12-16 [Elf_Person]: Sosuke ran out of the kitchen with a woman running after him hitting him with a broom

2007-12-16 [Orochimaru]: Ryo watched someof this sliently, it seemed she was ignored for the moment,"Oh well! Its more fun this way!"She thought to her self.

2007-12-17 [Elf_Person]: "GOD BLESS IT ALL WOMAN I DIDN'T MEAN TO PEAK AT YAS HONEST" she kept pounding him with the broom

2007-12-17 [Fallen dreams]: "who knows Ari what would you be." Kane silently walked ahead.

2007-12-17 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun watched the people around her.

2007-12-17 [Orochimaru]: Ryo looked suprisededly at Sosuke,"Hey! what did you do to her?"She yelled.

2007-12-17 [Sonya Blue]: Ari sighed "you'll have your chance to talk to him frist.."

2007-12-17 [Orochimaru]: Ryo, Not waiting for His response turned back to Ari,"Hello again Ari-chan!"

2007-12-17 [Sonya Blue]: Ari flinched slightly and looked at her "Hello Ryo..."

2007-12-17 [Orochimaru]: Ryo laughed and hung upside down out of a tree,"Whats new?"

2007-12-17 [Sonya Blue]: she frowned looking at her "Nothing..."

2007-12-17 [Orochimaru]: Ryo frowned and fliped upright,"Liar...tell me whats wrong."

2007-12-17 [Sonya Blue]: she blinked "nothing is wrong, Im just trying to figuar out why your so perky this early..." she smiled slightly

2007-12-17 [Orochimaru]: Ryo paused,"Hmmm...good question."She said with a smile and tilt of her head,"Hey! wanna spar?"

2007-12-17 [Sonya Blue]: she shook her head "There isn't any time for that, we need to get going, are you coming?"

2007-12-17 [Orochimaru]: Ryo looked at her and nodded,"Of course i'm comming!"She said loudly,"When are we going?"

2007-12-17 [Sonya Blue]: she stared at her for a moment "umm, now..."

2007-12-17 [Orochimaru]: Ryo noded,"Then lead on..."

2007-12-17 [Sonya Blue]: she walked past her and sighed "you enjoy giving me a headach, dont you" she smiled a little

2007-12-17 [Orochimaru]: Ryo nodded,"You know it..."SHe said with a smile of her own,"And maybe we'll even see a few hot guys on the way?"

2007-12-17 [Sonya Blue]: she stopped and looked at her in disbeleif "Ryo, this isnt some pleasure know that right?"

2007-12-17 [Orochimaru]: Ryo glared at her suddenly,"Yeah i know that...i want to get him just as baddly as you do...maybe even more, this is my way of covering my fear and worry ok?!"

2007-12-17 [Sonya Blue]: she blinked and nodded slightly "what ever you say..." she smiled

2007-12-17 [Orochimaru]: Ryo just looked away,"Look...we both need to relax...and yes Ari...we will get him."She said softly,"Its not your fault."

2007-12-17 [Sonya Blue]: (I gotta go back in about an She sighed "it is partly my fualt..."

2007-12-17 [Orochimaru]: (kk)
She looked back at her," were you to know he was a natural...a natural killer?"

2007-12-17 [Sonya Blue]: she looked away "Im still responsible..."

2007-12-17 [Orochimaru]: Ryo put a hand on her shoulder,"It dosent matter...both of us toghther are more than a match for him."

2007-12-17 [Sonya Blue]: (i may go again for about a half hour to do my chores) She looked at her and sighed "so we think..."

2007-12-17 [Orochimaru]: Ryo sighed as well,"We wont know till we try ok? so lets go...i hate waiting."

2007-12-17 [Sonya Blue]: she started walking again

2007-12-17 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki sighed and stretched

2007-12-18 [Orochimaru]: Ryo followed Ari.

2007-12-19 [Sonya Blue]: She looked at Ryo and smiled "Thank you"

2007-12-20 [Fallen dreams]: Kane walked a little behind them before looking up he finally decided "Ari im going to learn brothers techniques if i can keep up with him then no one will have to get involved and i prefer it that way."

2007-12-20 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki looked around bored and thought to herself ~this wasnt what i really intended to do after leaving~

2007-12-28 [Sonya Blue]: Ari stopped and looked at him "You sure about that?"

2007-12-28 [Fallen dreams]: "Well we always did fight alike if i master them maybe i can convince him easier if he sees that ive learned from him." *he faked a slight smile*

2007-12-28 [Sonya Blue]: She shrugged slightly and nodded "alright"
((Sorry i havent been on much in the last few days, im having problems here at home, more specifically with my moms asshole boyfriend))

2007-12-28 [Fallen dreams]: ((no worries ^^ we know youll come back to us)) "Which direction do we head in first our nearest villages are north or west." he withdrew his info scroll "But currently the west village is warring with a village further on northwest entering a feud driven town may be a bad idea for shinobi."

2007-12-29 [Sonya Blue]: "Then the safest way is to continue on north..."

2007-12-29 [Fallen dreams]: "Very well." he nodded quietly and continued walking before burning the scroll.

2007-12-29 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled slightly and started walking again

2007-12-29 [Fallen dreams]: He looked at her face never changing a muscle then turned back

2007-12-30 [Sonya Blue]: she continued to walk

2007-12-30 [Fallen dreams]: He watched as the sun began to lower "the journey will take another day and a half i request to continue onward with one companion."

2007-12-30 [Sonya Blue]: she stopped and thought for a moment "..."  She looked at him "Why don't you take Nami with you then?"  ---  Nami was running to catch up with them all

2007-12-30 [Fallen dreams]: "As soon as she catches up we will go."

2007-12-30 [Sonya Blue]: Ari nodded slightly "alright"  ---  After a while Nami stopped behind them

2007-12-30 [Fallen dreams]: Kane set off running "Nami move your with me for now." he increased his pace

2007-12-31 [Sonya Blue]: Nami stared at him for a second and ran after him

2007-12-31 [Fallen dreams]: he glanced breifly seeing she had caught up "we are to get to the next town and arrange stay as well as gather information."

2007-12-31 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki sighed looking around

2007-12-31 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded slightly looking a little confused

2007-12-31 [Fallen dreams]: He came closer before striking a blow to the back of her neck leaving her unconcious "I apologieze Nami but i must see to my brother i know he is north east of here or at least someone who knows him is." Kane quickly turned east and jumped through the trees heading straight for the battle ridden village.

2007-12-31 [Fallen dreams]: (sorry if you dont like double posting but nobody wanted to continue)) Kane arrived at the northeast village "Brothers shadowflash makes distance easy in the dark." He quickly found his brothers staying place and walked in and sat waiting hoping they had not moved on.

2007-12-31 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki wandered from the group silently

2007-12-31 [Elf_Person]: Sosuke wandered around the village aimlessly

2007-12-31 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun walked around where they had been staying. She was getting anxious. She stoppped, feeling someone else in the area.

2007-12-31 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki kept walking from the group and looked around

2007-12-31 [Fallen dreams]: Kane opened his eyes sensing someone close he quickly withdrew his sword and stabbed it in the ground infront of him ready to pick it up the minute the opponent walked in.

2007-12-31 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki kept walking and looked around still

2007-12-31 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun pulled out her Katana, but didn't go any closer,"What do you want?"

2007-12-31 [Fallen dreams]: "Put it away before your hurt im here for Kage." he calmly stood leaving his katana where it was then stepped towards her

2007-12-31 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun narrowed her eyes alittle, looking him up and down. Her grip on her katana loosened a bit, but she didn't put it away.

2007-12-31 [Fallen dreams]: *he flashed behind her and took her katana then flashed back* "the shadow flash is impossible to catch at night even my brother should of told you that."

2007-12-31 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun growled alittle, but didn't attemped to get the katana back. She looked around, fallowing orders that Kage had given her, not to engage in a fight without him there.

2007-12-31 [Fallen dreams]: "Wise decision now where is Kage." he put her katana next to his own and stood looking at her unemotionally "Growling will not help this situation."

2007-12-31 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun didn't answer, she just stood looking back.

2007-12-31 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanki heard them but decided not to get involved

2008-01-02 [Sonya Blue]: Ari and now Lilly continued walking with the rest of their group

2008-01-02 [Fallen dreams]: "Where is Kage i want to see my brother now." he looked at her
the turned his back

2008-01-02 [MadHatress]: "Jun, stand back. Do you ever shut up, Brother?" Kage set his article down and looked at him.

2008-01-02 [Fallen dreams]: "Much like you then am i not brother." He stared eyes still cold at Kage "Aside from our typical arguments we need to talk."

2008-01-02 [MadHatress]: "Why waste my time? You have no information that interests me..." He drank his sake

2008-01-02 [Fallen dreams]: "Im not here to give you any im just here to talk." He sat down opposing his brother. "So you last message stated learn your old techniques and join you here why did you request that?" his face never changed

2008-01-02 [MadHatress]: Kage looked back at him with the same cold look. "I don't remember saying such a thing...why would you be interested anyways?"

2008-01-02 [Fallen dreams]: "Do not lie to me brother at any rate i cant go with you." Kane stood and grabbed his katana sheathing it. 'He hasnt changed since he left cold, uncaring but still always showing his superiority. "Brother if you do not come back my mission is to take you by force. he looked at him then leant back on the wall.

2008-01-02 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki kept walking

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